Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

UE4 Landscape Editor

UE4 Landscape Editor Introduction
Landscape editor mode in UE4
In this tutorial I will be showing the basics of the Landscape Tools in Unreal Engine 4 and what they are used for.

Once you create a new level in Unreal Engine 4 you have to choose the landscape's size and material.


For this tutorial I am going to be using the default grass material, witch can be found in the content browser in Unreal Engine 4. After choosing the material and clocking Create you level will be filled in with the material you chose and the size you wanted also.

Landscape after creating

After your landscape has been filled in you can use the selection tool to select certain areas of your level.

The Landscape Editor Tools...

The Selection tool, selects Landscape components, one at a time for subsequent use with other tools, such as moving components to streaming levels and deleting components. Left mouse click to select components, Right mouse click to de- select components.

The Add tool, adds new components to the landscape one at a time.
Controls- Left mouse click to add new component.

The Delete tool, deletes selected components from the Landscape
Controls- Left mouse click to delete selected components if there are none selected it deletes the components that are highlighted by moving the mouse over it.

The More Level tool, moves the selected components to the current streaming level. This makes it possible to move sections of the Landscape into a streaming level so that will be streamed in and out with that level, optimizing the performance of the Landscape.

The Change Component Size tool, Changes the size of the whole Landscape not individual components. With this tool you can change the size of the Landscape components and adjust how many sections each component has in the Change Component Size.

The Edit Splines tool, Landscape Splines are a flexible system for creating any linear feature that needs conform to a Landscape, and can even push or pull the terrain to better facilitate building these features. They are created and edited using the spline tool in the Landscape toll.

The next Tab of the Landscape tools are the Sculpt tools...

Inside the Sculpt Tool bar there are a number of different tools, I will be talking about all of them in this tutorial.

The Sculpt tool, Increases or decreases the heightmap height in the shape of the currently selected brush and falloff
Controls- Left mouse click, heightens or increases the selected layers weight.
Shift + Left mouse click, Lowers or decreases the selected layers weight.

  Showing Increase
Showing Decrease

The Smooth tool, Smooths the heightmap. The strength determines the amount of smoothing.
Controls- Left mouse click to Smooth.

 Showing Smoothing tool

The Flatten tool, flattens the Landscape to the level of the Landscape under the mouse cursor when you first activate the tool.
Controls- Left mouse click to Flatten

Showing the Flattening tool

The Ramp tool, enables to select two different locations on your landscape and create a flat ramp between them with a falloff you specify on the sides.
Controls- Ctrl + Left mouse click on two locations marking the start and the end of the ramp.

 Showing unfinished ramp
Showing done ramp

The Erosion tool, uses a thermal erosion simulation to adjust the height of the heightmap simulating the transfer of soil from higher elevation to lower elevations. The larger the difference in elevation, the more erosion will occur.

 Showing Erosion

The Hydro Erosion toll, uses a hydraulic erosion simulation to adjust the height of the heightmap. A noise filter is used to determine where the initial rain distributed. The simulation is calculated to determine water flow from that initial rain as well as dissolving water transfer, and evaporation. The result of that calculation provides the actual value used to lower the heightmap.

Showing HydroErosion

The Noise tool, applies a noise filter to the heightmap or layer weight. The strength determines the
amount of noise. Also the noise filter is related to position and scale, which means if you do not change Noise Scale, the same filter is applied to the same position many times.

Showing Noise Tool

The Visibility tool, lets you create holes in your ladscape for such things as caves.

The Region tool, selects regions of the landscape using the current brush settings and tool strength to be used to fit a landscape gizmo to a specific area or to act as a mask for copying data to/or pasting data.

 Showing Selection Tool

The Copy/Paster tool, is used to copy height data from one area of the landscape to another through the use of Landscape Gizmo.

I hope this is really helpful for first time users or if anyone wants to brush up on the Landscape Tools.

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Senin, 09 Maret 2015

Create a Building in UE4

Finished result

Step one

The first thing you need to do when making a building on unreal engine is to delete the default stage you receive. After deleting the default stage you will want to go into your BSP folder select a cube and drag it out into your game. Make sure that you select the hollow option when using the cube.

image above shows a cube you can get in your BSP folder

Make sure you select hollow its on the right side 

Step two

For the next step you will want to change the width and height of the cube. You will have to press the space bar twice and scale your cube to whatever size you want to have your building at.

Make sure you press the space bar to scale

Step three

You will design windows and a door. In order to do this you need to go back into your BSP folder and select and drag out a cube. After bringing your cube into your game you will then want to line it up to the part of the building that you want your window to be at. When you have it lined up you will change the cube to subtractive and this will take a part of the wall out. To create the door just scale your cube to a length and width that suits you then change it to subtractive.

this will allow you to put square holes in the building for your windows

when you select subtractive it will come up like this

Step four

In this step you will be adding a texture to cover your building in. In order to get a texture you will first have to go into your materials folder and search it for a material that suits you.

when the texture is placed down on the object it will look like this
when you select apply your textuyre will change and become more realistic

When you find a texture that you like your have to select your texture and drag it out onto your object. After dropping the texture on to the object you will have to click onto the apply option.


In this step we will be creating the roof of the house. You have to change from perspective view to top view. This will send you into wireframe mode. You will then select the bottom part of the house and then in your options select split. After selecting split you will then see a line going down the centre of your roof you will select this line and bring it up.
when making your roof you should go into wireframe mode as it will make things clearer for you

it is important top note that when you pull the top part of the roof the inside is still flat


In this step you will then go onto blend swap and find a window for your house. In order to search for a particular static mesh you have to select the search option above and then type into the search bar.

go to blend swap to find an ideal mesh

you can search for one by typing it in the search option


When you find a static mesh you like you will then download it. After downloading your static mesh you will then want to extract your files somewhere that will be easy to find. After extracting your file you will then want to go open it up in blender.

when you find an ideal mesh click the orange button to download it 

after downloading it you should extract the files


In this step you will then want to import your static mesh into your game. You will want to go into file then export then select autodesk FBX. After selecting this you will then want to go to your side toolbar and select mesh. You will then want to go into your props folder and select import. After selecting import just find your static mesh and click on it this will bring it into your game.

make sure to select mesh

your mesh will be in the props folder

you will then want to select the import option


In this step you will want to drag out your static mesh onto your game. When you drag your mesh out you might have to scale it depending on how big you might want it. After you have your mesh to the right size you will then want to place your window in the hole you made earlier. The same steps are used for the door.

when you have one window done you can just duplicate it


In this step you will make a door for your building. Since my building is a ware house type of building il be making a garage type door for it. It is important that you scale your door to an ideal size for your building a garage type door might not be suited for your building. In order to make a door you need to go into your BSP  folder and then drag out a cube. After you drag out your cube just scale it to whatever size suits you. 

the last thing to do is make a simply plane that looks like a door

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How to make a sword in Blender

Model a sword in blender
finished result 

In this tutorial you will learn the necessary skills on how to make a sword, specifically, the sword we will be making a Japanese Katana.

Part 1 The Blade

Change to cycles render

Cycles Render

Delete cube, press 1 and then 5 for orthographic view, shift A to add plane, R to rotate on the X axis by pressing X then 90.


Tab for edit mode S scale on the X axis

plane scaled 

Press shift and tab for the snap during transform button or hit the magnet button, select the top vertex
Snap during transform 

vertex selected

E to extrude up to 16 boxes, turn on proportional editing,

extruded plane

Once proportional editing is on G to grab on the X axis, scroll mouse button

Proportional editing

Change to sharp


Move too two boxes to the right
sharp tool in use

Click the right vertex then the second, press W to merge, at first,


at first

merged point 

Turn proportional editing and snap during transform off, select the outside of the blade by pressing B and dragging it along the left side or by selecting each vertex individual by hitting shift and right clickE to extrude on the X axis a small bit.


Merge the top vertex, move the bottom one slightly to the right


Press A to select everything, change view by 3 on the keypad, E to extrude.

Merge the two points together

merged points 

Select the next vertex underneath the top point and its opposite one press W , merge, at centre do this to the rest.
at center

To fix the lighting and shade go to mesh, normals, recalculate outside or inside this will prevent the blade from being dark at certain angles.


Tab and smooth. the smooth button is to the left it will show if your out of edit mode. add a modifier, subdivision surface, change render to 1.The blade will look off, go into edit mode by pressing Tab, select the these 4 vertex


4 points selected

To fix the problem that will happen go to mesh, edges, edge crease. once clicked drag your mouse across the screen to the right side. this fill the empty space, repeat this for the bottom of the blade.

edge crease

using edge crease

edge crease used at the top of the sword

edge crease used at the bottom of the sword

To add a flare onto it create a loop cut ctrl R lenght wise twice 

creating a flare in the sword

Press E to extrude and right click straight away so it sits on top, S scale on the Y axis pull it in to your desired depth. Then add edge crease to make the depth stand out.

adding depth 

Part 2 The Hilt 

Select all of the vertexes by pressing  Band dragging it across or by selecting each one individual by shift and right click.
bottom all selected

Mesh, snap cursor to selected that will center the 3d cursor at the bottom of the blade, shift A add a circle, tab into edit mode, select these vertices
six vertices selected

S scale them inwards like so

scale inwards

go into front view 1 select the circle E extrude on the Z axis


 Create a face by hitting F

add face

E to extrude right click straight away scale a small bit extrude on the Z axis downward to create a small lip. Repeat this step for the bottom

creating small lip

Click on the hilt, click on smooth this will create an issue to fix this, add a modifier, edge split this will fix it.


edge split
Select the face underneath the the hilt, then place the cursor in the centre by going to mesh, snap, cursor to centred. add a circle by shift A, add circle, S for scale to whatever size you want your handle to be.



scale on x,z,y axis 

 E extrude a small bit downwards, press enter  extrude right click straight away scale a notch inwards to create a small lip then extrude to your desired length



Extrude again, scale inwards and create a face by hitting

add face

Select the top vertex,

top selected

 shift D to duplicate, right click to place then right on top, hit P to make it a brand new section.


 Drag it down, extrude around this size, create three loop cuts

creating loop cuts

Use the knife tool, hit Z so it will cut through the mesh, create a diamond shape, select all the faces and press X delete faces.

Knife tool

selected faces

Add an Array modifier 

Array modifier 

Use this to move and duplicate the design onto the hilt 

Array modifier 

Array modifier used

To add a material and a texture check out the tutorial on how to add a texture in Blender at

Add lighting around the scene by hitting shift A, lamp choose a type a light that suits you.
you can check the tutorial about adding light in Blender 

light placed in scene

rendered view

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